Welcome to InventivEnergy
We develop successful clean power projects in every technology, from inception through design, from construction through commercial operations.
We manage every aspect of a power asset. We focus on the bottom line and orchestrate the commercial and operational complexities to your advantage.
We optimize relentlessly and will not rest until every opportunity to increase value and cash flow has been evaluated, addressed and implemented.
We develop projects with the end in mind. We apply our extensive experience to create a successful new project. We will manage your power project from origination and permitting, through design and engineering, construction and commercial operations.
Can we develop a successful project for you?
There is no factor more important in a power asset's success than effective management of the total enterprise. As power asset management experts, we take seriously our responsibility to clients in orchestrating the myriad of commercial, operational, technical, regulatory and contractual requirements for safe operations and profitability.
We know that every existing power asset can be optimized. Power assets are complex entities and our team of experts will identify commercial and operational enhancements to deliver the value you and your investors deserve.
Have you considered whether your power assets are fully optimized?
Acquiring power plants is a major undertaking. In a short period of time, all aspects of the plants and markets, past and future, must be evaluated. We will support your due diligence in all critical areas; operational, technical, markets, risks, contractual, commercial, etc. - as well as identify opportunities for value enhancement, expansions and optimization.
Distributed generation, specifically Combined Heat and Power, is the future of power generation. Highly efficient installations, located at the point of use, will reduce carbon emissions, provide resiliency in the event of a grid outage and significantly reduce energy costs. We will develop, install and operate your CHP project at no cost to you.
Sometimes, things don't work out as planned. Pro-forma projections look great while a project is under development, but over the years many forces at work can challenge profitability and the best-laid plans. Over the years, we have helped owners, investors. lenders, operators and managers find the best solution to turn around a troubled power asset.